Hedgehog Cafe HARRY

Here is a little different post, not food related one, but certainly interesting topic. One place my husband was VERY curious about was one of those animal/pet cafes. There are Cat Cafe and Puppy Cafe elsewhere nowadays outside of Japan, but they still have unique animal/pet cafe only in Japan. One of them is Hedgehog […]

Gold Creek Salmon Bake

While we were on our Alaskan Cruise (you can read about it here: http://www.foodlovergirl.com/princess-cruise/ ), we took a few excursions to take advantage of the local tour and yes, feast! Our first excursion in Ketchikan was fun and delicious (you can read about it here: http://www.foodlovergirl.com/alaskan-lodge-adventure-seafeast/ ). So, the one we chose in Juneau was also food-based, of […]