Gregg’s Restaurants & Taverns

While visiting Providence, RI, we wanted to check out their poopular dessert place called Gregg’s. They have a few locations, and we went to the one that was most convenient to us. It was quite large, and they have ample parking.

They had mainly three sections in the inside. The deli, take out, and the dining area. We went there late in the evening after dinner, so it was not so busy, which was good to us. As soon as we walked in, we were greeted by a staff and taken to one of their booth tables.

Most of all the seating in this restaurant was booth seating. With this much space, you can certainly do that. One we sat, our server asked us if were going to have food, or just desserts. We answered dessert, and he gave us dessert menus. It makes sense since they are most famous for their dessert, people might go there just for dessert.

We started with coffee, which was bottomless. I asked for a side of milk, and they brought it in a plastic container. It was a good, strong coffee.

Then the desserts. We were forewarned that we would not be able to eat the cake at one sitting. But until it came to our table, I didn’t completely trust her… But then, the size, the weight, the decadence of each cake, she was so right! So, unless you know you can take the rest of them home with you, you might want to order one slice to share. On this day, we were prepared to take the leftover home/hotel, so we each ordered a slice.

I went with Hasboro Giving Cake ($6.99/slice). It is a Chocolate Peanut Butter Cake, four-layered combination of peanut butter and chocolate. I really liked the reason behind the name, Gregg’s will donate a portion of the purchase price to the Hasbro Children’s Hospital. I thought that was really great!

And this cake was so good! Rich, moist, decadent… And the way they incorporated “peanut butter” was very different from what I expected. I thought they will have the peanut butter spread over the cake, in each layer. Instead, they had lots of peanut butter chips in the layers and on top. This was much better than having the actual peanut butter, that sticks to the top of your mouth… LOL. The flavor of peanut butter was definitely present, the chocolate didn’t overwhelm the peanut butter. They actually were great together, enhancing the flavor of each other. And yes, I didn’t get to finish this slice, maybe half?

Another dessert of choice was Carrot Cake ($6.99/slice). This one also has four layers, and has a generous amount of freshly grated carrots. Very moist, and with a good amount of frosting, I liked how it was not covered in crazy amount of frosting, in fact, it had a good amount on the top, but not too much, and just the right amount between the layers. Also, didn’t have much frosting on the back either. This way, you get to taste the carrot cake itself, instead of it being overpowered by the flavor of the frosting. This is a real deal carrot cake, totally awesome!

Then, last but not least, the most famous and popular cake of all, Death by Chocolate Cake ($7.49/slice). This is an extreme version of their chocolate cake. What makes it extreme? Well, this one is bigger, and covered with chocolate morsels.

This one has six layers, and loads of chocolate… If you are in doubt, just pick up the plate and feel the weight! It is quite heavy! The former US President Obama actually ordered this cake from here in 2014. Yup, now we are experiencing a part of history… And I tell you, he knew good food/dessert! This cake was the cake to die for, especially for chocolate lovers. There is nothing but chocolate here, but in different texture and flavor. Very moist, decadent, velvety and just melt in your mouth… It certainly is sinful…

And if you are wondering, yes you can by the whole cake! They were displayed at the take out section. They all looked pretty good!

The staffs here were nice, although our server disappeared for a bit, but he came back to check on us and the coffee a couple of times. The dessert experience was heavy but good, I am glad we finally got to try their famous desserts!

Gregg’s Restaurants & Taverns – 1303 North Main St, Providence, RI 02904

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